Eventi, Lotte, Società

“We are the birds of the coming storm”


These birds

are the argentinean proletarians of 2001

are the rioters of the French suburbs in 2005 and the students refusing the CPE and the CDI

are the youngsters of Oran, Alger, and Kabylia rioting against the raise of food prices

are the clothing industry workers of Mahalla in 2008

are the female workers of Bangladesh burning down their factories

are the people from the suburbs of Buenos Aires smashing the trains taking them to work

are the Greek proletarians of 2008 demanding nothing

are the people living in a slum of Manilla fighting the police and the workers coming to evict them

are the proletarians in Barcelona in 2011 writing: “Where did you put your rage?” 

are these demonstrators walking behind a banner saying: “If we can’t live, we will not work!” during the Oakland general strike, on the 2nd of

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